Calming Corner
(630) 277-9731 x 1
What is a Calming Corner?
A Calming Corner is a relaxing area in your home where you can decompress from the everyday stressors of life. A Calming Corner can be your bedroom, reading area, your couch, a playroom, or any area where you can take 10-60 minutes of calming quite time to relax.
Calming down is an essential tool for children and adults to decompress and relax. When adults and children have a difficulty managing their emotions it can lead to many negative experiences such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and behavioral issues. Creating a calm down space is essential to healthy emotional regulation.
Want to know how to create a Calming Corner?
Please call and set up a FREE 10 minute consultation to see if therapy is right for you, your child, or your family.

(630) 277-9731 x 1
Creekside Office Center
1121 E Main St. Suite 310
Saint Charles, IL 60174